Wednesday, December 07, 2016

ASK YOURSELF: Mike Rowe schools a woman who didn't like his pro-American flag stance.
PUNCHING BACK: Senate Democrats signal retreat on James Mattis for Defense Secretary. They know President-elect Trump will make sure they're blamed for any interruption in the government if they try to block passage of the Mattis rider in the appropriation continuing resolution.
CONSTITUTION TO SANCTUARY CITIES: Fund it on your own nickel.
TRUMP TRAUMATIZES the party of snowflakes.
'FAKE NEWS': It's the mainstream media, stupid.
THIS GALAXY is being destroyed from within by a supermassive black hole.

On the bright side, it's not our galaxy....
WALL STREET JOURNAL: The System Didn't Work. It's not about economics; it's about justice.

If the link above doesn't work, try this one.
MICHAEL WALSH: What, exactly, is the #NeverTrumpkins problem?
AMERICAN UPRISING: Everything is about to change.

Lilium Aviation raises $10.7 million for vertical take-off and landing jet.
I'M A DEMOCRAT but I've gotta admit it's now Trump 2, Dems 0.

There's at least one Democrat who's gotten the message. Maybe there's hope for the Democrat Party yet....

[Wrong link before; fixed]
75 YEARS AGO: "A date which will live in infamy."
IEEE INSTITUTE: Blurring the Lines Between Virtual and Real Worlds.

The Democrats did that years ago ... they haven't lived in the real world for years.
GOVERNMENT IS TOO DAMN POWERFUL: United Airlines settles with SEC for millions over "chairman's flight". Port Authority Chairman David Samson - who wanted a quicker way to get to his vacation home - has been convicted and is awaiting sentencing.

AT LEAST THEY'LL GET SOMETHING FOR THEIR LOSSES: Clinton to throw thank-you party for millionaire donors.