Thursday, April 15, 2010

FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR ME but not for thee.

The Washington Post’s Colbert I. King vociferously decried the (still alleged) “hateful acts” of the Tea Partiers is his Post column and commentary on WTOP radio. So I decided to ask him for comment on the verified hate speech from his side of the political aisle that I wrote about in my “stay classy” post. I went to the Post web site, found the writer feedback link [hint: it isn’t easy to find], and wrote:

Since you have been so vocal about the (still unverified) "racism" at the Capitol grounds Tea Party rally last month, perhaps you'd care to respond to the bigots on your side of the political fence here and here?
The response? In entirety:

We're sorry, but we don't have a contact information on file for the person you'd like to contact.
The Washington Post doesn’t have – or allow – contact with one of it’s own columnists? Does righteous indignation bruise his fragile ego?

I’d suggest that the Post quit protecting him: if the poor baby can’t take the heat, perhaps he should stay out of the kitchen.
[LINKS UPDATED; moved to top] COME TO THE TEA PARTY. “The Tea Party Movement is planning a big rally in Washington DC on April 15, Tax Day 2010. A crowd of Americans will gather in front of the U.S. Capitol and the National Mall to exercise their freedoms of speech and petition opposing the growth of federal government and spending.... Organizers are hoping to draw in excess of one million people to Washington, DC to send a message to the Obama Administration and Congress ... under the motto ‘Regroup. Rebuild. Reclaim’."

If you can’t come to Washington, find a Tea Party near you. Since the Tea Parties are grassroots and only loosely coordinated, there is no single list of all the ones planned. But here is a place to start looking.
“If you voted for Obamacare, be aware these doors will close before it goes into effect.” The note is signed Joseph M. Scherzer M.D. and includes the following addendum: “****Unless Congress or the Courts repeal the BILL.”
If all goes as I expect, my Galt date is mid-June.
YOU GOTTA LAUGH - to keep from crying.

Link from Hot Air.

As Instapundit notes, it’s better than being a teabaggee ....