Monday, July 14, 2014

MICHAEL BARONE: Political fallout from underage illegal immigrants may spread far from the Rio Grande Valley. And my current home of Manassas, Virginia, may be one of those spots 'far from the Rio Grande valley'; (unconfirmed) rumor has it that some may be housed here on the County fairgrounds.
STEPHEN HAYES: More than a smidgen of corruption.
MORNING EXAMINER: Is the IRS scandal the ultimate test of the Constitution's checks and balances?
AFTER LAPSES, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admits a lax culture at labs. What do you expect from a government agency for whom gun violence is a disease?
ON GLOBAL WARMING, follow the money ... to the federal government. But there's no 'agenda' there. Is there?
OUR NATION'S CLOWNS: Leftism's Wonderful Absurdity. (I tuned out after the first minute; it's a clown show all right, but pointless.)
BUT THEY CAN'T INVESTIGATE THE IRS: DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama.

ERIC HOLDER: If You Oppose Obama, It’s Probably Because You’re A Racist. No, it's because I can walk and chew gum at the same time.
WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Obama 'absolutely' the most transparent president. Instapundit: "True. You can see right through the lying S.O.B."
SELFIES ARE AWESOME. No, they're incontrovertible evidence that you're a narcissistic twit.