Thursday, February 18, 2021

SO LOW THAT THEY'RE NOW HAVING TO DIG: How low can the bar go for Illinois teachers?
RANDOM THOUGHT: So far all I've seen from the Biden(-Harris) administration is its worship of diversity.

Competence, not so much.
JUST ANOTHER SECOND FIRST: Biden is helping small business by appointing a woman to lead the Small Business Administration.

Wait. Wasn't Trump's SBA leader a woman? Why yes, yes she was.
YOU DON'T GET 'EDJUMACATION' POINTS FOR HAVING LIVED IN THE REAL WORLD: New report declares that GOP Hill Staff are less educated than Democrats.
WHITE HOUSE: We have no idea when America will be back to normal.

When the unicorns stop cavorting on the White House lawn?
COCA-COLA’S DIVERSITY DIKTAT falls flat. Help them fall flatter faster: just drink whiskey (or Pepsi or Dr Pepper) instead.
JUST SAY NO. How to save civics from the Left.

Better yet, say "Hell, no."
AND BILL GATES SHOULD MOVE TO A MENTAL INSTITUTION: ‘All rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef.’
WOKE POLITICS: The Democrats’ plan for a permanent majority.
RANDOM THOUGHT: What's the over/under on Jen Psaki's tenure as Pseudodent Joe's Press Secretary?
REPARATIONS BY ANOTHER NAME: "Equity" is to "equality" what "social justice" is to "justice."
PARENTS SHOULD DEMAND THE PRINCIPAL REFLECT ON THE SIZE OF HIS UNEMPLOYMENT CHECK: NYC public school asks parents to 'reflect' on their 'whiteness'.

Let the parent revolt begin: When do Republicans in Congress start talking up an opt-out on education taxes for parents whose kids do not attend public schools? And as a parent whose children are no longer in school, how about allowing me to 'opt out' and donate my education taxes to a private school of my choice?

Go after the money -- it's the only way to be sure.
BUT, BUT .... THEY'RE MY STORM TROOPERS: Pelosi learns to love those ‘storm troopers’.
Don't worry; Pseudodent Joe is going to replace them with Border Patrol officers (and .50 caliber machine guns) soon.
‘MONSTER HUNTER’ AUTHOR shares cancel culture survival tips.

Gist: Don't back down. Ever.

Now go read it all.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Does anyone remember the MSM talking heads ever referring to the Trump-Pence administration?

'Nuff said....
ON PSEUDODENT JOE'S COTERIE OF GOVERNMENT THUGS: "They’re much more concerned about stopping theats to their power than about stopping actual crime."
NOW WE KNOW what happened to Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Baily: it moved to Washington D.C.