Tuesday, November 07, 2017

ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER DEMOCRAT: Jesse Jackson accused of sexual harassment by journalist.

Now they're eating their own....
BILL WHITTLE: Guns, CNN, and Sutherland Springs.

DO AS I SAY because shut up.

This woman would be perfect for the faculty in a university in, say, Tehran.
HOPES DASHED: Democrat Northam projected to win Virginia governor’s race. On the bright side, I'm no longer a Virginian.
IT'S JAIL TIME: a "massive violation of federal law" that "triggers criminal penalties".
WHAT DOES THE LEFT have to offer?
HOLLYWOOD, ESPN AND OTHER DEBACLES: Why can't our ruling class do its job?
SHOWDOWN IN VIRGINIA: Can Gillespie pull off the upset?

Here's hoping.
HOW LEFTISM MAKES US STUPID: And how we end up with a press corps full of idiots.

I will disagree with Klavan on one small point: I believe stupidity is the predecessor, not the product, of leftism.
CONGRATULATIONS, DEMOCRATS. You’re the Stupider and Crazier Party.

Read it all; then go vote if you live in Virginia.

Linked from here.
MY SYMPATHY METER IS PEGGED AT ZERO: Journalists retell their election night horror stories.
You take your kids to school, you go to the store, you go to the post office, you're looking around, and you're thinking, "These people hate me."
What narcissism. Do they really believe that they're important enough for us normals to waste as much as a femtosecond hating them?
I'M ALMOST READY TO SECOND THE MOTION: "Time for the meteor to hit and give another species a chance."

These are indeed Heinlein's "crazy years."
LET THEM VIRTUE-SIGNAL ON THEIR OWN DIME: Congress’ plan to kill the electric car tax credit could kill electric cars.
“DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TOM PEREZ further complicated Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ralph Northam’s chances of winning the statewide election on Tuesday [today] by refusing to unequivocally tell NBC’s Chuck Todd that people who drive pickup trucks aren’t racist.”

I'd suggest a brain transplant for Mr. Perez, but you'd have to use a jackhammer to get the current one out.