Saturday, May 02, 2020


Daily deaths is clearly stabilizing, with the 7-day average below 2,000 per day for 2 weeks. The Coronavirus Dashboard is also showing the same trend, roughly flat for the last two weeks, although the cumulative deaths is a bit higher (as noted yesterday). Both tracking sites are showing an estimated death rate of 0.1%, the same as the CDC estimates for seasonal flu. Approximately 80.4% of the U.S. population is estimated not to have been infected. The real unknown is the percentage of the U.S. population that have not been exposed. That would be a huge 'tell' if it could be known.

As a side note, about 60,000 people have died since January of illnesses where the coronavirus may have been at least a contributing factor. During the 96 days since January 1st, 691,200 Americans have lost their lives from all causes.
BACK TONIGHT with Wuhan Flu update. In the meantime, go see PowerLine's Week in Pictures.
THERE WAS A TIME WHEN I LIKED NEW MEXICO: New Mexico governor orders roads closed to city of Gallup in effort to stop coronavirus spread.

No more.
GOOD OL' JOE: Biden chooses a sex predator to help him pick a female running mate.

Does anyone -- anyone -- seriously believe Biden is in any way, shape, or form mentally competent to be President of the United States?