Friday, September 21, 2012

WAKE UP, DAMMIT! Likeability isn't leadership.
CALIFORNIA: There's gold in them thar hills ivory towers.
NOTHING PERSONAL, it was just spin.
SUPPORTING SLOW URBAN SUICIDE is a “progressive” position.
ROMNEY RELEASES TAX RETURNS, paid too much in taxes, and gave 30 percent to charity. This comment must really sting the Democrats: "If you really care, you don’t give money yourself. You get the government to force other people to give. That’s what true compassion is all about."
HEH! Rudolph the red-state reindeer. In Austin, no less - the Democrat capital of Texas.
TECHNOLOGY: Nuclear Fuel From the Sea.
Read the comments.
DEPENDENCY NATION: The number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended the welfare work requirement.

Vote for the Republicans.
"NEARLY 6 MILLION AMERICANS — significantly more than first estimated — will face a tax penalty under President Barack Obama's health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would be in the middle class."

Every Obama promise has an expiration date.

FINALLY, something "Fast and Furious": whitewash.
ALL OUR PREVIOUS STATEMENTS ARE 'INOPERATIVE': Obama administration admits Benghazi was a terrorist attack.
FALL IS HERE: the mosquitos have left for warmer climes, and the trees are beginning their annual leaf drop festival.
NASA officials, fellow astronauts and the family of Sally Ride gathered in Houston at the Johnson Space Center on Sept. 18, 2012. They remembered Ride’s life and the legend she leaves behind. An oak tree — one of most enduring types of trees — was planted and dedicated in Ride’s honor. It sits among 62 other trees dedicated to astronauts and space pioneers in a grove located JSC.
Godspeed, Sally.
WHY WHINERS ARE WINNERS. The solution: whine back twice as hard.
THEY GO TOGETHER like hot dogs and baseball games, though the combination isn't nearly as appetizing: mud and American presidential campaigns.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: The Obama you don't know. Instapundit has summaries and links to the remaining articles in the series.
REDISTRIBUTION SOUNDS GOOD to those who cannot be bothered to stop and think.
But the wacko-left Culture Machine won’t fall silent; the schools and colleges won’t suddenly become patriotic, serious, politically neutral. The entertainment industry won’t discover open-mindedness regarding Judeo-Christianity and the Bible. Nor will mainstream churches and liberal synagogues suddenly catch on to the moral and spiritual greatness of America. Unless conservatives start taking education and culture seriously, an election day will arrive in which the outcome is never in doubt, because at least 51 percent of the electorate has been trained which way to vote. At which point the GOP might as well close shop and take the rest of the century off.
Don’t say you weren't warned.
OBAMA: "You can't change Washington from the inside." At least not if you're incompetent.