Monday, August 16, 2010

THE RACE CARD has maxed out.
THE FEDERAL RESERVE has roughly $2 trillion of our money and is thoroughly insulated from the control of elected officials. Is this a bug or a feature?
ONLY IN AMERICA: Heartwarming. Especially the comment about “Marine English.”
WHO’D A THUNK IT? Lousy lawmakers, not low taxes, created fiscal woes.
CHARLIE RANGEL: "If I can’t get my dignity back here, then fire your best shot at getting rid of me through expulsion."

Pass the popcorn. This should get interesting in the run-up to the November elections.
BAILOUT FAVORITISM AND CRONY CAPITALISM, it turns out, are not vote-winners. Do tell.
SPECIAL INTERESTS UNDERMINE THE PUBLIC INTEREST: The public employee sector spent $40 million on lobbying in the first six months of this year -- more than health maintenance organizations, commercial banks and the defense/aerospace industry combined.

More reason to dramatically scale back the power of government.
ELITE COLLEGES FAIL; legacy media notices.

Well, there should be a Patriot television network. The link is here.
WHEN WISHFUL THINKING REPLACES THOUGHT on the “principled left” you get this kind of drivel.

NOTE: the print edition version (15 August) is at least edited.

Persistence. The plant stem is within the post all the way from below the ground surface.