Tuesday, December 01, 2009

"MSNBC REACHED A NEW LOW tonight when Chris Matthews referred to West Point as an 'enemy camp.'"

"Chris, he's commander-in-chief."
U.N. RETALIATES against nuclear Iran with 'utter neglect': "The U.N. Security Council today retaliated against Iran's newly announced plans to build 10 nuclear enrichment facilities in defiance of previous U.N. resolutions by passing a resolution punishing the Islamic Republic with 'utter, devastating neglect from the global community.'"
GOOD GRIEF: doctors should give patients advice on climate change. Oh, yes; take two aspirin and reduce your carbon footprint ....

Via Tim Blair.
KITCHEN-TABLE POLITICS: Sarah Palin's governing philosophy.

Andrew Jackson (Old Hickory) was our first President to have a Kitchen Cabinet; maybe it's time for a second.

Link from Instapundit.

We know the basics: 30,000 troops (plus hopefully 10,000 NATO forces); 6 months to fully establish themselves in theater; and a "planned" withdrawal beginning in 2011.

8:01 PM: Obama enters.

8:04 PM: Going over some history ... Islam is one of the world's great religions. President Bush never mentioned. That should satisfy the PC crowd.

8:08 PM: I sent troops to Afghanistan immediately after I was inaugurated; I authorized strikes into Pakistan and the safe havens along the border.

8:10 PM: Let me clear .... there has been no request for additional troops prior to 2010. (Huh? Did he really say that?)

8:15 PM: Our goal remains the same: to disrupt, dismantle, defeat Al Qaida and Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

8:16 PM: I'm confident that our Allies will contribute (but there have been no announcements of assistance).

8:20 PM: The days of providing a blank check are over. Our strategy will include Pakistan as well.

8:21 PM: Quick summary. A three-part strategy - military effort, civilian surge, and partnership with Pakistan.

8:25 PM: Our costs for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when I was inaugurated approached one trillion dollars (but I spent well over a trillion in my first 9 months in office).

8:27 PM: The President has gone into campaign mode ... so much for the announcement.

8:28 PM: My goal is to rid the world of nuclear weapons (so Iran is redoubling it's effort to gain them).

8:29 PM: America will speak out for the world's human rights (but we won't do anything beyond speaking out).

8:31 PM: End of address.
A disappointing speech. Listening to Charles Krauthammer, I'm in agreement - Obama's committment was conditional at best.

[Update] Thinking back, half his speech was in campaign mode. He's been President for 10 months now; isn't it time to quit campaigning, and start governing?
CARBONHAGEN: Follow the links and enjoy the eco-hypocrisy.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from Thomas Sowell: "Many colleges claim that they develop "leaders." All too often, that means turning out graduates who cannot feel fulfilled unless they are telling other people what to do. There are already too many people like that, and they are a menace to everyone else's freedom."

RIDING THE TIGER: Victor Davis Hanson on war and Administration naivete.

In just a year, the president, driven by narcissism, fueled by ignorance, has badly undermined old-fashioned deterrence.
Read it all.
GREEN ENERGY AND RED TAPE: The colors are spectacular when "elites" collide.
A THOUGHT on the culture war.

Peggy Noonan: How’s that “hopey-changey” thing working out?

[Journalist Elizabeth] Drew reports that while the president was in Asia last week, "a critical mass of influential people who once held big hopes for his presidency began to wonder whether they had misjudged the man." They once held "an unromantically high opinion of Obama," and were key to his rise, but now they are concluding that the president isn't "the person of integrity and even classiness they had thought."
Dr. Judith Curry on ClimateGate:
What has been noticeably absent so far in the ClimateGate discussion is a public reaffirmation by climate researchers of our basic research values: the rigors of the scientific method (including reproducibility), research integrity and ethics, open minds, and critical thinking. Under no circumstances should we ever sacrifice any of these values; the CRU emails, however, appear to violate them.

Ignoring skeptics coming from outside the field is inappropriate; Einstein did not start his research career at Princeton, but rather at a post office.
There is a lesson here for the self-appointed elite, if only they were smart enough to recognize it. “[W]hat I learned over years of farming—dealing with California labor, environmental, legal, and tax regulations, pruning, tractor driving, listening to my grandfather, and handling unsavory characters, understanding plant physiology and fruit-production, etc.—I think gave me a different, but in the long run as good an education as a BA/PhD in Classical languages.

[Update] But they’re not smart enough.
THE GLOBAL WARMERS are circling the wagons. The real question is whether they will fire inward or outward.

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