Friday, November 01, 2019

FLORIDA MAN is alive and (un)well in Boston.

Somehow I don't think Dyson had this in mind for its vacuum cleaners....
AMMO GRRRLL: What the heck! Another birthday?

I can relate, as my kids will attest.
OH, MY: Beto O’Rourke drops out of race to spend more time taking guns from his family.

There's satire; then there's satire.
MICHELLE OBAMA - 'Barack's Presidential library could have been anywhere in the world'.

I recommend Tehran.
DEMOCRACY DIES in darkness.
HILLARY THINKS God put her here to be President.

She obviously didn't read the first two of the Ten Commandments....
CITIZENS OF EVERYWHERE are citizens of nowhere.
MUCH MORE on California's fantasy world of rainbows, unicorns, and other fuzzy forest creatures.
YES, IT WAS a very scary Halloween.
DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS: America needs a hate speech law, where hate speech is loosely defined as anything that interferes with the Left's ablilty to control the narrative.

My response is the same as it was earlier: "I'll support your ban when I get to define hate speech."
ONE LAST HALLOWEEN REMINDER: Bernie Sanders cheerily greets trick-or-treaters before stealing their candy for redistribution.

A harbinger of things to come if Bernie wins in 2020.

But it's for your own good....