Wednesday, May 23, 2018

“GREEN” ENERGY, still an environmental disaster.
VITAMIN D UPDATE: Belly fat linked to lower levels of vitamin D. Looks like I'm going to be upping my daily vitamin D intake....
RANDOM THOUGHT: God must be sexist because He created only two genders.

DEMOCRATS' NEWEST MID-TERM PITCH: A crackdown on corruption.

Doug Powers comments:
I’ll personally give the DNC a couple dollars if they’ll let Bob Menendez do their first anti-corruption commercial.
SO GERMANY has come up with the perfect job for all those Muslim migrants -- truck drivers.
LIBERALISM’S IMPACT on abhorrent behavior.
A lot has changed over the past 30 years. America has always had many firearms in circulation, laws against killing people, gun control, bullying and the like – these are not new phenomena. What is strange, however, is that people suffering from mental illness decide to mow down their classmates instead choosing to seek help or being flagged by their parents, classmates, or teachers. Two decades or so ago, people still faced similar problems – disappointment with their lives due to normal, coming-of-age pressures. But instead of overcoming said obstacles like adults, they resort to terrifying violence. It’s clear that something has changed in regard to how people seek help and how they overcome the realities of life. Liberalism is that change – pampering people in safe spaces instead of making them act like adults.

We need a new narrative regarding mass shootings. Instead of calling for more, ineffective gun control, we must discuss the impact liberalism has had on behavior control.
Much of what ails America today is a direct result of 30-plus years of progressivism.
JEFF JACOBY: The world needs a policeman, and there is no alternative to America.
CORRECT: School shooters are a symptom of a culture that is ill.

And the shootings will continue until the culture improves.
FACT CHECK: Hillary is 100% correct.
LAURENCE TRIBE ON IMPEACHMENT: ‘You have to shoot to kill’. Here's the complete quote
You can’t be the boy who cried wolf and have a viable impeachment power. You can’t use it over and over again against the same president,” Tribe said. He continued, “If you’re going to shoot him, you have to shoot to kill. And that requires an overwhelming majority of a bipartisan kind. Otherwise, you’re just going to nick the guy and make him feel empowered and vindicated.
which is a completely vanilla metaphor for the impeachment process. Remember former President Clinton's impeachment (if you're old enough)? The Republicans didn't 'shoot to kill' - and they failed to convict.

I find it somewhat amusing that Tribe, a devout liberal, actually felt a need to apologize, since it is the Left (and the insane, but I repeat myself) most likely to approve of violence against their adversaries.
OH, YES, academia is a 'welcoming environment'.
IT’S ONLY GUN CONFISCATION ‘if they’re caught with them’.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D[umb]-CA) calling or a national ban on AR-15 style rifles followed by a “buy back” program targeting current owners.
[W]e should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.
But it's not 'confiscation'.
BLUE WAVE? What blue wave?
LEFTIST PROFESSOR defaced the family home of the NRA's Chris Cox. It wasn't the first time.
The idea that politics transcends decency is nothing new for the left. It has been a growing epidemic even outside Antifa and the alt-left. But for a group that supported Hamas and MS-13 in the same week, can we expect anything less?
A few months in Guantanamo Bay might have a salutary effect....
THE DEMOCRATS have settled on an anti-corruption angle for the November midterms, and it should be enough to keep voters ... laughing all the way to the polls.
AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME: Fire Your Congressman. Their website is here.
DEMOCRATS: When you can't take scalps, bite ankles.
LAURA INGRAHAM on her show last night: "The Democrat leadership is so old you don't date them, you carbon date them."

I would add that carbon-dating applies to their policies as well.