Wednesday, February 06, 2019

A LOOK BACK: Five years ago today.

The blackface/racist 'incidents': All occurred 30+ years ago, when the men were young and stupid. I don't care; what I do care about is what they're doing (for/to) me today in their professional capacity. Enough said.

The sexual assault allegation: Why now? Forgive my 'insensitivity', but this strikes me as about one of three things: money; ego; or a political hit job. Being a professional cynic, I'll vote for ego, but again, I really don't care. Shut up and go away.

Mark Herring: his preemptive apology for being young and stupid (see above) is an ego busily virtue signaling. That pegs my 'I find you offensive' meter. Fire the jerk.
A CRISIS IN THEIR OWN MINDS: with Trump as President, the ruling class does not rule.

Those damned deplorables just won't obey....
THANK YOU, BUT NO. It's more profitable to mow lawns.
RANDOM THOUGHT following the State of the Union. The difference between the Obama presidency and the Trump presidency is a single letter in the alphabet: the Obama presidency was the 'me' presidency; the Trump presidency is the 'we' presidency.

The thought occurred while reading this post.
BELIEVE THE WOMAN: unless the accused male is a Democrat.
THE LEFT'S growing record of insanity.

I would amend the statement just slightly from 'insanity' to 'public insanity'. The Left has been barking mad for years; President Trump just forced them to go public.
WHY THE FROWNY FACE, BERNIE? "America will never be a socialist country."
LEARN TO CODE? Please don't; we have higher standards.
ANSWER THESE: Some real questions for the future Democrat Presidential candidates.

Questions that the mainstream media can't won't ask.