Saturday, March 17, 2012

MODERN ENVIRONMENTALISM: born 1970, died 2012.
DON SURBER: Obama smears President Rutherford B. Hayes. As they say in journo-speak, here's the nut graf:
Rutherford ... spent much of the Civil War fighting as an officer in the 23rd Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded one two separate occasions and had a horse shot from under him. He ended the war a general.

As a community-organizer, Obama once got plumbers to unplug toilets in a Chicago housing project.
Read it all.

UPDATE: President Hayes mocks President Obama.

UPDATE 2: Even more mockery.
A POLITICAL STUNT that buys time for the president but actually concedes nothing.
BILL MAHER: "You know, no one at my shows ever objects to me calling Palin a 'c*nt'".

That's because no one listens to him.
I'D LOVE TO MOVE, but I can't.
SPRING has begun in Virginia.

As an aside, I note that I've got roughly a half-acre of ObamaGas growing in the yard.
FROM MY EMAIL: Isn't It Ironic? The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the National Park Service asks us to "Please Do Not Feed the Animals" because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.
GOVERNMENT STUPIDITY defies satire when a $50 light bulb wins an affordability prize.
DOUBLING DOWN ON STUPIDITY: Obama seeks halt to tax subsidies for oil industry. That's it, Obama, just keep digging.
"ONE IN FIVE AMERICANS calls California or Texas home. The two most populous states have a lot in common: a long coast, a sunny climate, a diverse population, plenty of oil in the ground, and Mexico to the south. Where they diverge is in their governance."
USA: An oil rich nation after all.

Read the comments as well.
LOCAL ALTERNATIVE UNITS: “It’s an easier, more direct way of exchanging goods and services....”

I had suggested earlier that this was already happening in the U.S., albeit as an underground economy thing.
SAVE WATER: close all the swimming pools in America. Every single time I think government has reached the nadir of stupidity, they prove me wrong.

Linked from PowerLine.
OBAMA TO BUSH: My regulations are bigger than your regulations.
OBAMA: If you like your current health care coverage, you can keep it. Uh, no, you can't.