Friday, February 19, 2021

Stay safe while you're out there shooting other people....
PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY WE WANT COLLEGES AND LAW SCHOOLS TO REOPEN: Students must be given vaccine priority so Colleges and Law Schools can reopen in the fall.

I suspect Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) already knows how to code....
MORNING BOMBHOLE: Joe Scarborough and our broken media.

Which explains why MSNBC is on my television's 'never (ever) tune to' list.
SATIRE NO LONGER POSSIBLE: To save time, The Babylon Bee will now just republish everything Biden says verbatim.

The Pseudodent is self-satirizing....
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Our descent into collective madness.
An ungracious and neurotic elite whose judgment is bankrupt and whose privilege is paid for by those who don’t have it threatens to drag us to the depths of unreason.
The coronavirus pandemic is a mere annoyance in comparison to this 'progressivitus' pandemic brought to fruition by the inauguration of the Biden(-Harris) administration.
IT MUST HURT TO BE THAT CRAZY: In California, Oakland names a street for Black Panther icon Huey Newton while San Francisco cancels Presidents Washington and Lincoln.
IF THERE IS ANY BRIGHT SIDE TO THE DEATH OF RUSH LIMBAUGH, it is to see the display of collective insanity of the progressive Left. Their venom is just another reminder that President Trump was right:
So was Rush. Keep this firmly in mind: they hate us. They truly hate us.
RUSH'S MONUMENT: Let us all speak, and fearlessly.
I CAN'T RECALL HOW LONG I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS: A freedom-loving people need to call the bluff of those instilling fear.

But I sure am glad that the thought is taking hold. Linked from Instapundit.
OH MY GOD! People are talking. And in places we can't monitor!
IT WOULD BE A STEP UP FROM DEMOCRATS: Insect brains will teach us how to make truly intelligent robots.
TEXAS MAYOR QUITS after saying residents are ‘lazy’ amid outages.
"Am I sorry that you have been dealing without electricity and water; yes! But I’ll be damned if I’m going to provide for anyone that is capable of doing it themselves!" Boyd continued in the post. "Bottom line, quit crying and looking for a handout! Get off your ass and take care of your own family!"
I agree with the mayor. It's my responsibility to take care of myself and my family; it's the mayor's responsibility to clear the way so I can.

My prediction is that Colorado City is going to miss him.
JOE SCARBOROUGH mocks business owners who suffered from the BLM riots.

I rather wonder how Scarborough's empathy meter would read if it was his personal studio destroyed by 'peaceful protestors' and his own studio employees sent to the unemployment line. Would he still believe it "not as bad as the United States Capitol being vandalized'?

Somehow I doubt it.
DID FROZEN WIND TURBINES impact the Texas freeze?

Well, yes ... just not to the extent that seemed apparent at the time. Mostly it's another example of unintended consequences -- in the rush to be environmentally correct, the "what if's" were never properly accounted for.

"All of the above" is a good energy strategy, and it's good risk management to develop compensation strategies for loss of one of the above -- one nuclear power plant, one coal-fired power plant, one natural gas power plant. one transmission line, etc. But one unforseen event affecting individual generators over several thousand square miles?

There's going to have to be a lot of rethinking about risk mitigation strategies for solar power and wind power generation.

Which we won't see. What we will see, I'm sure, is a political Kabuki theater of blame-shifting.

Watch for it.