Friday, February 27, 2009


I stopped by the Washington DC "Tea Party" anti-stimulus protest at Lafayette Park across from the White House today. There were about 500 protestors - not bad, I think, for a hastily put together protest organized over the internet. Michelle Malkin of Hot Air and Roger Simon of Pajamas Media were there, as was Reason TV. I was impressed by the quality of the crowd - these were serious people, not the usual clowns you see at most protest rallies.

Here are some photos from the protest.

The protest begins with the first speaker.

"Porkulus" - the protest mascot.

Here are some signs. Are you unhappy with your "change?" Don't worry, soon you won't have two nickels to rub together.

Are you better off than you were four weeks ago?

Michelle Malkin following her speech to the crowd.

My neighbor bought a big house and all I got was the payment.

War on achievement is not the answer.

Yes, we care. A reference to Senator Shumer's (Pork-IL) claim that Americans don't care about the "little bit" of pork in the stimulus bill.

Their mother kindly let me take a picture of this young gentleman and lady. Thank you!

It's probably safe to say he's not working too hard.

The plan for tomorrow.

And a final thought about what the protest is all about.


My daughter had a job, not a great job, but a good job: a decent salary, life insurance, health insurance, a 401k. She had already taken a few steps up the ladder to success.

But her job was dependent in part on “the rich” and the “greedy capitalists” you and your Democrat colleagues so successfully demonized.

Now she doesn’t have a job - and neither do 15 of her co-workers.

And by the way, my wife and I will be staying in the workforce for another few years, denying those behind us on the ladder the opportunity to move up a few rungs.

Are you happy now?


At this rate, there should be no problem breaking 7000 ... from the high side.