Saturday, October 19, 2013

FRIDAY: HHS took down for repairs ... again. Some of the better comments:
I tried to get on with my ObamaPhone but the battery went dead and Obama will not send me a new one so I just pluged it into the wall scokett and blue smoke came out its a$$ sort of like Obama himself.

¡Díos Mio! ¿No hablas Ingles? Tough tittyolas, Amigos y Amigas.

When the Puffington Host is running sky-is-falling articles ... I have a little glimmer of hope. How pathetic it is to have to root for IT incompetence rather than Republican opposition.

So, it’s official: 19 days in, more people have been dumped off their insurance than have applied for, let alone ENROLLED in, Obamacare.

Best damn $600M I’ve ever spent.
Lookin' good, Obama administration. Lookin' real good.
HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT converge to break record for largest civilian formation. At a football game, no less.
ISS ASTRONAUTS continued work during shutdown. Non-news, since a) staying alive is kind of important, and b) not all the astronauts are U.S. government employees.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES: Aftermath edition. It was a slow week, but the best one is excellent:

PJ MEDIA: ObamaCare’s Useful Idiots.
GUN BOX: your hand is the only thing that should stand between you and your weapon.
ADVENTURES IN OBAMACARE: the rollout. Megan McArdle's Bloomberg View column argues for a 'drop dead' date to delay the ObamaCare rollout, but I prefer that it be allowed (encouraged?) to die of natural causes rather than being aborted in utero.
YELLOWSTONE ANGLERS ordered to kill rainbow trout. It would be wise not to fuck with Mother Nature in the first place, something progressives (and government employees, if that's not an oxymoron) in their 'reality world' bubble consistently fail to understand.
WORLDNETDAILY: Obama 'crashing health-care site on purpose'. Newt Gingrich explains why.
[T]he administration chose to require users to register and enter lots of personal information before showing them the prices of various plans, so that consumers would only see prices after their subsidy was factored in. The administration insisted on the more complex registration system because it was afraid of the sticker shock Americans might feel if they saw the true costs of the policies.
Sticker shock, indeed.
THE ROBOTS ARE COMING: that barista gig you spent your college years preparing for may be going away.
HEH: Lincoln frees the slaves. You have to back up a few panels to fully appreciate this one. Start here and click 'next'.
AUTUMN LEAVES II: It's been a week since the first post in this series, and while the leaves are beginning to fall steadily (it took 3 hours of leaf blowing to get the yard as clean as it is), the colors have not yet begun to change.

The first post is here.

RELATED: the view from my office window.

HEH: Lincoln frees the slaves. You have to back up a few panels to fully appreciate this one. Start here.