Friday, October 19, 2018

A BIT LATE, PERHAPS, but here is the executive summary of the FBI's supplemental investigation into the Kavanaugh allegations.

What I found interesting were the comments, this one referencing the accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, in particular:
No one said to her: you signed a letter attacking President Trump’s border policies and were able to get the anti-Trump ACLU to publish it; you contacted an anti-Trump paper, the Washington Post, to make your charges; you turned first to Democrats who are sworn to “resist” – actually sabotage –the Trump presidency and his judicial nominees; and you accepted attorneys recommended by Democrats, who are activist Democrat, anti-Trump lawyers. Can we conclude, therefore, that there might be a political motive behind your decision to bring up these character-ruining accusations about a rough-housing you allegedly received 37 years ago when you and Kavanaugh were too young to even vote?

I've always believed she was no victim and was working with the Democrats to stop Kavanaugh from being the fifth conservative judge seated on the Supreme Court. And they all didn't care if they destroyed Kavanaugh's reputation in the process.

It was all about power and control for the Democrats.
I agree, and it would be very interesting for some enterprising journalist to dig much more deeply into her background.

But they won't; they're Democrat operatives as well....
DON'T GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE, and absolutely don't give a Democrat a chairmanship.

We've got to win this one, folks.
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE EFFIN' KIDDING: Woman arrested for taking in animals abandoned during Hurricane Florence without permit.

But they're not. Somewhere there must be a law that Nanny-State bureaucrats must be utterly bereft of common sense in order to be hired....
ELIZABETH WARREN has proved that she is approximately as Native American as the average cigar store Indian.

Elizabeth Warren is like the mother cat: the gift that keeps on giving. More here, here, here, and here.
TRULY SCARY: Conservative street artist places Maxine Waters’ head on ‘Halloween’ billboard.

Horror movie killer Michael Myers cannot compete with 'Mad Maxine'.
VOTER GUIDE from a red lady in a blue state. She's a Californian, but her advice applies in any state: vote Republican, and vote 'no'.