Monday, July 23, 2018

I'D PREFER SHEILA JACKSON LEE: Most liberal House Democrat Barbara Lee wants to replace Crowley as Caucus Leader.

Or maybe Maxine Waters....
ROBERT MUELLER'S LATEST INDICTMENTS: "If the idea was to give Vladimir Putin and his thug regime a new way to sabotage the United States, nice work."
WITH APOLOGIES TO TONY BENNETT: I left my shit in San Francisco.
IT’S UNDENIABLE: Trump is blessed with really stupid enemies. Of course, they're Dumbocrats. Er, Democrats.
RANDOM THOUGHT: James Comey is Peter Strzok without the smirk.
THE DISHONESTY OF THE DEEP STATE: It’s like they think know the law doesn’t apply to them.

Click through and read the entire post.
NASA CHIEF: Trump's space force will guard U.S. from above. There's a lot of opinion being passed around that the 'Space Force' should be part of - or modeled after - the Air Force, but I disagree. It should be modeled after, but not be part of, the Navy/Marine Corps. Star Trek notwithstanding, the Navy/Marine Corps is the only U.S. military force with a history dating back to the founding of this Nation with a history of patrolling and enforcing U.S. law on the frontiers beyond our borders.
MICHAEL GOODWIN: Peter Strzok's arrogance is the product of a corrupt FBI. No, it isn't. It's the product of a corrupt governing class.

INSTAPUNDIT "The amount of institutional damage being done to the FBI by its Hillary/Obama capture is enormous and not yet fully appreciated."
WE WOKE WORK: Striking a new low in corporate 'virtue'.
I am not in the market for WeWork’s services, but if I were, I would hire someone else, on the assumption that any company that is 1) this dumb, and 2) this distracted from its core mission is probably incompetent.
I think that can be safely said of any virtue signaler, corporate or individual.

Perhaps these 'woke companies' could take their virtue signaling to Asia and Africa, where it might (and I emphasize might) have some impact.
FOR CONTROL: Why Leftists become thugs.
The belief that you are so superior to others that you should be allowed to control them — it's that that inevitably moves people to violence and cruelty. In movies about American slavery, filmmakers always try to impress you with the brutality of the institution by showing rapes and whippings. But that gives a mistaken impression. Slavery isn't wrong because masters rape and whip their slaves. Masters rape and whip their slaves because slavery is wrong; because when you think yourself so superior to others that you no longer need their consent to govern them, you have created in your own mind the right to harass and hurt and bully them. You have turned yourself into a monster.
Or into a Leftist.
THOMAS SOWELL: his 30 best quotes.

My favorite is his last (#1): “There are no solutions; there are only trade-offs.” It's a favorite because that's what I did for a living for 30 years as a systems engineer in the defense industry. I usually described it as 'seeking the least worst solution'.
CHRIS SWECKER: GOP got played in the Strzok hearing.

Sorry, but I disagree - the America I know got front-row seats to a stunning display of smugness, arrogance, hypocrisy, deceit, contempt, outright lying, and probably criminal hostility to America's democracy on the part of the liberal governing class and their enablers in Congress.

John Brennan (CIA), James Clapper (DNI), James Comey (FBI), and Rod Rosenstein (DOJ) should all be criminally indicted and prosecuted, the senior management of all four departments fired, and their offices fumigated.