Wednesday, December 07, 2022

A REMINDER FROM 81 YEARS AGO. December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor … and Midway.

Let's not allow it to happen again.
SINCE WHEN CAN WE GIVE UP NATURAL RIGHTS? Democrats push firearms purchasing ban for people who voluntarily give up their Second Amendment rights.
MAYBE IT'LL EVENTUALLY SINK IN: battery storage is a fantasy. My fear is that we're almost too far along the progressives' path to Nirvana to turn back to reality without a world of hurt.

MORE: Saving the world with electric vehicles (EVs).
WHENEVER I SEE this cartoon
I want to insert the 'Biden Administration' for 'Schroedinger's Cat'. Like Dilbert's boss, we're afraid to open the box for fear of finding the Biden administration is alive.
MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Democrats can't be election deniers.

But of course -- they're Democrats.