Thursday, July 30, 2020

PROMINENT ENVIRONMENTALIST called a 'white supremacist' and censored by Forbes for writing sensibly about climate change.
'EXPLANATORY DELUSIONAL' JOURNALISM: How Bill Barr made Trumpism possible.
THIS GUY IN PORTLAND definitely wins for worst move by a rioter ever.
MICHAEL RAMIREZ explains Nadler's Judiciary hearing.

Well done.
TIE POLICE HANDS, and you will see lots of citizens with AR-15s. Two things to learn:
First, people in Democrat-run cities have learned that their leaders won't defend them. And second, the 2nd Amendment is here to stay.
The question is "Will progressives learn?" At the pointy end of an AR-15, maybe.
COPS PULL OUT: Democrats in need of convention protection can now call a hippie.

Or Antifa....
DEMOCRATS: The worst brand name in American history.

Keep that firmly in mind -- even after November 3rd.
DON'T GIVE A SOCIALIST A COOKIE: If you give a socialist a cookie, he’ll take you for all you’re worth.
YA THINK? Democrats starting to panic that voters will blame them for riots.
GRANDMA DID IT: Portland rioter who threw explosives reportedly gets identified in the most humiliating way possible.