Friday, December 11, 2020

WUHAN FLU [CORONAVIRUS] UPDATE for December 11, 2020:
Deaths are continuing to rise, the confirmed cases are rising faster, and the death rate is continuing to decline, down from 1.9% of confirmed cases to 1.8% today. The death rate as a function of total cases tested remains stable at 0.16%.

It's winter, people, so more people are remaining indoors (whether the government madarins like it or not), and the coronavirus is spreading more easily. The number of infections is increasing, the death rate is declining, hospitalizations (while higher) are still well below their peak in July (Georgia data) and declining, and you still have a 99.86% or better chance of surviving an infection.

Georgia data remains in line with the national data.

Finally I'm not sure I'm going to continue this weekly charade. The data I've been watching this last week is looking more and more suspicious. It's being revised backdated (at least) daily and the two national sources I use are often in disagreement. The Georgia data source I use has just today changed its reporting to add more 'information' that makes Georgia results look worse. Those items coupled with the weeks' news stories about mask mandates, lockdowns, etc,. have pretty well convinced me that the coronavirus pandemic is political, not medical.

I'll keep watching for another week or so, but right now I'm of the opinion that the reports are more smoke and mirrors than actual data. For an honest accounting I'd pay a lot more attention to Dr. Scott Atlas than the CDC and its government munchkins.
N.Y. LAWMAKERS CONSIDERING HIGHER TAXES ON WEALTHY to address pandemic budget deficit induce them to leave.
MICHAEL RAMIREZ explains 'remote learning'.