Sunday, July 31, 2011

THERAPY CAN DRIVE YOU MAD, finds study on counselling given to 9/11 survivors. But the therapists felt good.
POOR BABIES: Climate change alarmist alarmed they're wrong.
IT'S ALL THE ELDERLY'S FAULT: Why are we in this debt fix? What is the cure? And some people actually agree. This from the comments below the Samulson commentary linked to above:
MarkMacDonald wrote:Thank you Mr. Samuelson for stating flatly what I have believed for many years: seniors are eating the seed corn of the future and there is no end in sight. I am 54 years old and have made a commitment not to live longer than 70. I will work as long as I can and have no desire to retire at all. We all know that the elderly are by far the wealthiest group of Americans and yet their demands on current and future generations are insatiable: they want to retire earlier and the expect more assistance. Medicare currently subsidizes the purchase of Viagra and the natural decline of the sex drive is not described as a medical condition. The nonsense goes on and on.
"Dying early" is surely a fix for the Social Security and Medicare problems, one in which I suspect ObamaCare's 'death panel' will cheerfully accept. The American public, not so much.

Yet Samulson is largely correct; high taxes and the debt crisis are in fact largely attributable to the elderly via Social Security and Medicare. And both those programs are consequences of a badly flawed liberal philosophy. The thinking, such as it is, goes like this: Some elderly are desperately poor, cannot work, and have no resources (e.g., family) to support them in their later years. Therfore the government must provide Social Security support to all the elderly. Similarly, some elderly have significant health problems, do not have, and cannot get - at any price - even marginally useful health insurance. Therefore the government must provide Medicare to all the elderly.

Neither of those philosophical assertions are correct. As a class, the elderly are on the average wealthier than the younger workers paying for them. Some seniors are in need of support, obviously, but not all. And yet the liberal thought process (if such a thing actually exists) expects - no, demands - that seniors retire at 66 (or 67) and sign up for Social Security and Medicare. The programs are structured such that 'opting out' of the liberal Nirvana is very difficult, if not impossible. Why?
STUDY SHOWS Internet Explorer users are dumber. Why am I suspicious of this claim? "A company called AptiQuant, a self-proclaimed 'world leader in the field of online psychometric testing' published the results of an online study ...."

Need I say more?
ON CSPAN coverage of FreedomFest 2011 last night, I watched Don Luskin, author of I am John Galt, discussing Ayn Rand and the Libertarian philosophy. During his presentation, he made one comment I find very telling: "If liberals can't lie, they have nothing to say."

After watching the debt ceiling debates over the last several days, I would amend his statement only slightly: "If liberals can't lie or make excuses, they have nothing to say."
HERESY: The System Is Working. I just wish it would be a little more efficient, but then it is inefficient by design.
"BEHIND THE CURRENT MESS and shrill rhetoric in D.C. are these two larger competing visions — the belief that the Obama agenda is the road to serfdom for everyone, and the belief that it will result in a long-overdue equality of result."

I don't want to be hobbled by "equality of result" - I believe hard work should mean something.
HYPOCRISY ABOUNDS in the Liberal mind. For 2-1/2 years the Obama administration and liberal media have blamed George W. Bush for all the nation's problems. Now that that fantasy is no longer working, it's time for a change - blame George H. W.Bush. Now the fault lies with Bush I's agreement -- in response to Democratic pressure -- to raise taxes.
SEN. MARCO RUBIO: "Save the Whole House or It Will All Burn Down."

Long, but worth every second. Watch it all.
SPACE-X eyes November 30 for a cargo launch to the International Space Station. And on only its second flight.