Thursday, August 02, 2018

PASTOR PRAISES TRUMP as ‘pro-black’ at prison reform event. "When your heart is filled with patriotism, there’s no room for bigotry."
CALIFORNIA'S GOV. JERRY BROWN: Fire-fueling heat worse than ‘since civilization emerged 10,000 years ago'.

Oh, bullshit! I lived in the high desert above Los Angeles for 5 years in the late 1990's. We had fires every year I lived there; they were always 'the worst fire season ever'. And every year the California government went back to sleep as soon as the fires were extinguished instead of embarking on a program of bulldozing fire breaks and clearing out dead underbrush to prevent the next year's fires.

Why, you ask? To save the habitat of the 'endangered' - but happy - little forest critters until they could be immolated in the following year's 'worst fire season ever'....

If America had any common sense, it would establish a fire break along the California/Nevada border and let the whole damned state burn to the ground.
In the 1960s, the world was down to its last 5,000 polar bears. Russia and the United States -- along with other nations -- agreed to stop hunting them except for subsistence by Eskimos and the like.
Now we are up to our eyeballs in polar bears.
VINDICTIVE PROTECTIVENESS: How Generation Z became America’s most intolerant generation.
IT'S REALLY TOUGH keeping up with the Left's hypocrisy.
CNN'S JIM ACOSTA: I’m tired of the White House calling us enemies of the people — and maybe we reporters should chant about it.

Please do ... so we can laugh at you.

MORE: This will convince America there’s no media bias.
THE HUMANITIES: Oh, the inhumanities!

Fortunately the hard sciences - and to a lesser extent, business - have been much harder to infiltrate for the simple reason that they don't have 'feelz'. The down side is that "a portal to the wisdom of the past on the true, the good, and the beautiful" is dead and buried.
PRESIDENT TRUMP congratulates Rush Limbaugh on the 30th anniversary of his radio show.
DON SURBER: In Fake News land, 34 is larger than 44.8.
THANKS TO TRUMP, the job market for mental health professionals is improving: Liberals still hysterical over Hillary Clinton's loss get their own disease.

Nice hospital gown you've got there, Hillary....

Only 3 months left until the world collapses....
TRIGGER WARNINGS can do what global warming couldn't: melt snowflakes.
IT'S ABOUT CONTROL: New York state shuts down boy's lemonade stand, citing need for permit. It's always about control.

Keep in mind that government and control are flip sides of the same coin.
JEFF JACOBY: Trade isn't war; it's peace.

Jacoby misses the point: it's peace only if both sides abide by the same rules.
ANOTHER DEMOCRAT GLOBALIST REVEALS HIMSELF: New Jersey Governor flees to $7M Italian vacation home (at taxpayer expense).

As is true about most activism, Steyer's 'environmentalism' isn't about the environment, it's about who controls the environment.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Progressive regression. Long, but read it all. The Left has created a monster that will return to haunt them.