Sunday, May 16, 2010

LOOKS LIKE CHANGING PARTIES ISN’T WORKING: Sestak leads Specter by 9 points.

More here.
BLOWBACK: “Look, just because we called you racist bigots … doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t visit.”

Arizona responds.

"THE ECONOMIC ATTITUDE of the nation has shifted. We are no longer a nation of self-sufficient, rugged individualists; we are now a nation of addicts, hooked on a politician's promises of economic safety.... This is why America is lost. Too many Americans are hooked for us to return to a sound economic footing via the normal political processes."

Link via Instapundit.
AUSTIN, TEXAS: moonbat capitol of the American southwest. Read the comments, too.
A FRESH LOOK AT wireless power transmission. Small appliances, close by? Probably. Planes, trains, and automobiles? Not likely.