Friday, May 06, 2016

THE DONALD ISN'T ALL BAD: He may be the presidential candidate that would get humans to the Red Planet sooner rather than later.
AMMO GRRRLL weighs in (pun intended) on 'TrigglyPuff'.
HEH: Five ways to think about our Trumpian moment.
ELECTION BOTOX ALERT: for both political parties.
LIBERALS' KIDS get the golden ticket while yours get scraps.

Be grateful for scraps, because that's the best you're gonna get....
WE FOUGHT a war on poverty, and poverty won.
HEH: “'Vegan death threat' ranks right up there with 'French military offensive' on the oxymoron scale.)"
THE (21ST CENTURY) AMERICAN WAY: Expanded government power without anyone taking responsibility.
FINALLY THE OBVIOUS is entering the public's awareness: Democrats need minorities to remain poor and resentful.

Can't have 'em off the plantation....

Unfortunately I'm seeing the Republican establishment treating their voters with the same disdain ... it's time for a 'Trump tsunami'.

FEELING THE BERN: "Call the government."

THE OBAMA JUSTICE DEPARTMENT’S insane attack on North Carolina.

I think Hinderaker's correct in his argument. North Carolina should just ignore the Justice Department ("Go to hell; nasty letter follows."), then sue when the feds try to defund the state.
MISCELLANEOUS MUSINGS about the Trump victory.

She's right.
THEY DID IT! Space-X successfully lands rocket on ocean platform for second time.

UPDATE: Here's the video.