Saturday, October 20, 2012

GREAT IDEA! Man attempts cannonball into frozen swimming pool.
LIBERAL ORLANDO SENTINEL endorses Romney... so does the progressive Nashville Tennessean. Can the Washington Post be far behind?
PAUL KRUGMAN: Mitt Romney wants to let people die.
MINNESOTA SCHOOLS CLOSE so teachers can play with dolls.
THE REAL PROBLEM with our governmental system:
The folks, who are getting free stuff, don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the people, who are paying for the free stuff, can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And, the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop. And the folks, who are getting the free stuff, want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they’re getting already.

Now the people who are forcing people to pay for the free stuff, have told the people who are receiving the free stuff that the people who are paying for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So the people getting the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff because they are selfish. And they are promised more free stuff if they will vote for the people who force the people who pay for the free stuff to give them more free stuff. And that’s the straight stuff.
George Carlin via this link.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "I say that a nice glass of Milk of Romnesia is just the thing to take care of that bad case of Obamarrhea we’ve been suffering the last 4 years."

Linked from this post.
TECH TALK: A new idea for green energy.
TAX DEDUCTION REFORM, cafeteria style.
ELDERLY WIDOW told not to pray in public housing complex.

Hmm. Does that mean you can't pray if you receive any government assistance, like unemployment, welfare, or food stamps? (But you can play Monopoly on the government dime....)
IT'S 'UNCONSTITUTIONAL to challenge the emperor. What are you supposed to do -- bow?

Linked from here.
CHICAGO’S NEW PLAN: tax guns out of existence.
I'LL TAKE TAGG IN A HEARTBEAT: Major network host challenges candidate’s son to a fistfight. It would do my soul good if Tagg would take O'Donnell up on his challenge.
IF BY 'US' YOU MEAN OBAMAPHILE, you're absolutely correct.

WILLFUL MEDIA MYOPIA: Obama invents his own history. Here's the 'tell' as they say in gambling: Col. Allard is a former NBC News military analyst.
IF SHE WERE OF THE LEFT, she'd be a free-speech heroine.
PAUL GREENBERG: Show vs. Substance.
SPELLING IS BAD -- stop 'privet' education.