Thursday, July 11, 2024

HOLD OFF THE DEATH SQUADS: Highly misleading coverage of SCOTUS immunity decision.
On MSNBC, Rachel Maddow warned that the Supreme Court had just unleashed death squads to roam our streets. CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen announced that murder was now legal (at least for presidents), while others predicted that the ruling on presidential immunity would invite “tyranny.”

Anyone reading the coverage would conclude that James Madison has been replaced by John Wick in a new “Baba Yaga” Republic.
John Wick for president? Oh, wait ... he's dead. I guess we'll have to go with Biden. He's not dead ... yet.
OH, THE IRONY: Leftists fret that Trump would refuse to leave the White House.
Leftists across the country have been pushing the same panic as the Biden campaign: If you let Donald Trump back into the White House, he will never leave! He’ll become a dictator and refuse to honor the end of his term!! Just like when he marshaled his army and attempted a coup d’état on January 6! And it just might work this time! … Because, you know, the nearly three million people who work in the federal apparatus, along with the House, the Senate, the U.S. armed forces, and the 335 million residents of the United States will all be helpless to do otherwise than toe the line and follow Trump's orders. It’s incredible what a handful of wacky rioters wearing horned helmets and wielding bear spray can accomplish.
Read the rest.
I'LL CUT MY OWN TAXES, THANK YOU VERY MUCH: The Blue state wealth exodus continues.

Linked from Instapundit.
FROM POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures this one seems particular appropriate this week:
Now go see the rest. Trust me, they're good.
QUESTION: Why don't the Democrats care?
Because they are content to have our government run by anonymous White House aides and administrative state bureaucrats.

What do they need a president for? To issue Pride Month proclamations and appoint liberal judges? But anyone can do that. Thus, there is no obligation to talk about the fact that the president might as well be a waxwork effigy.

And as for foreign policy, they are embarrassed by American power and don’t want the U.S. to play a strong role in the world. So a weak president is fine there, too.
They are happy with government by people no one voted for because they are the people no one voted for.
AMMO GRRRLL: "Who are the 37 percent who, immediately following the debate, expressed the opinion that Biden had ‘won’ the debate?"

And much more.
THE LIES WE HAVE LIVED THROUGH: After last Thursday’s debate, Biden himself laid to rest the Democratic lie that he was robust and in control of his faculties.

Now what?
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: California, the great destroyer.
California’s lesson for the nation?

If you want to topple a statue, re-label an historically named street, burn up millions of pine and fir trees, blow up a dam, turn parks and the public square into dangerous and toxic squatter cities, then the state can do all of that and in record time.

But try building something to ensure Californians can travel quickly and in safety, or have affordable power, homes, and fuel, and assured water?

All that is simply beyond the current state’s comprehension, ability, and desire.
So ... Gavin Newsom for President?
I FIND THIS A BIT HARD TO BELIEVE: The ten most patriotic U.S. states for July 4th.

Off the top of my head, there isn't one that isn't blue or 'bluish'.