Saturday, September 15, 2012

ARE YOU SAFER NOW than you were four years ago? Well, no, and yes. The world is certainly less safe than it was four years ago, but I now carry weapons that I didn't four years ago.
PRESIDENT OBAMA speaks at ceremony for Benghazi victims at Andrews Air Force base (9:45 - 17:15 into video). The transcript is here.

I don't know about you, but I don't want a President who is comfortable with soaring rhetoric at a funeral; I want one who is comfortable shooting back.
INSTAPUNDIT calls on Barack Obama to resign -- in no uncertain terms.
JUST FOR FUN: Terahertz Technology. Those X-ray glasses of our comic book youth probably aren't coming soon.
"THE FIRST THING we should be sequestering are Congressional salaries. If we did that, we wouldn’t have to worry about any of the rest...."
DON'T LET your children play outdoors. It may be illegal.
NEWT GINGRICH: An Act of War, Not 'Senseless Violence'.
WANT A SMALLER GOVERNMENT? Stop complaining about stuff within earshot of politicians.
ALLEN WEST on the gene pool.
U.S CREDIT RATING cut again -- no one notices.
PAUL RYAN speaks.

Messiah worship.
ISN'T THERE at least one competent Democrat?
IT’S EASIER TO BEAT REPUBLICANS by calling them racist than engaging on policy. And you don't have to worry about inconvenient facts.

NO, SHE'D HAVE TWO, and he'd have only one.
CAMPAIGN 2012: Seniors stick with Romney, Ryan in Florida. And there's at least two in Virginia.