Monday, July 08, 2024

TILTING AT WINDMILLS: The trouble with (many) teachers.

The problem, simply put, is unionization. The purpose of a union is to support the interests of its membership. Students are not members of the union.

Now do you understand?
THIS IS WHY we need President Trump back in the Oval Office.

As I recall the old Soviet Union thought Ronald Reagan was crazy. The Soviet Union is now Russia....
IS IT TIME TO CALL IT THE HARRIS-BIDEN ADMINISTRATION? Did Kamala Harris nearly admit who's really running the country?

Check the curtains in the Oval Office....
RANDOM THOUGHT: I may be old but I got to see the world before it went to shit.

Seen on a T-shirt ad online. I want one.
IF YOU'RE A FAMILY WITH MINOR CHILDREN, get the hell out of California as soon as humanly possible.