Wednesday, February 23, 2011

EVERYTHING ABOUT LIBERALISM is tired these days, including its slogans.
GOVERNMENT PENSIONS, an obesity epidemic.
These figures account for why the Obama White House has exhibited its usual robust indecisiveness toward the Wisconsin demonstrators. It needs labor's political muscle, but it must also recognize that it cannot appear on the wrong side of greed. It was one thing when unions went after giant corporations run by guys who played golf at restricted clubs. But when it comes to government workers, we are the boss and we pay the bill. To quote what Sam Spade told the woman he loved in the "The Maltese Falcon," "I won't play the sap for you." When it comes to public-sector unions, my sentiments exactly.
By the Washington Post’s Richard Cohen, no less.

Have Obama - and public-sector unions - lost the Post?
DEATH CHANNELS: a frightening example of how ObamaCare can go wrong.
DOES BIG LABOR’S LOBBYING POWER offset the lobbying power of big business? Not if both feed the Democratic Party.
DEMOCRATS: If I can’t have it my way, I’ll take my ball and go home. Unfortunately for them, Republicans have more balls (pun intended).
NOW IT’S PET OBESITY: Is your dog or cat too fat?
Banfield Pet Hospital, the nation's largest general veterinary practice, ... will track a pet's Body Condition Score ... and be required to give pets a score upon each visit. The scale reportedly goes from one to five; a score of one means your pet is underweight, five means your pet is obese.

Along with the introduction of the Body Condition Score, many in the pet health industry are rolling out Jenny Craig-style packaged dieting programs and, even better, pet treadmills.

In addition, a popular pet care franchise will introduce a new pet fitness program, called the Furry Fitness Challenge to help pets and owners lose weight together.

Whether you're willing to put a doggie treadmill in front of the TV, one thing is for sure -- the pet obesity problem is finally getting the attention it deserves.
No, the pet nannies are getting ridiculous.
COMMENT OF THE DAY: “The government class recoils in horror -- market discipline to them is like sunlight to a vampire.”
OUT OF WISCONSIN, three lessons.
First, the Democratic Party is the party of government, not only because of its extravagant sense of government's competence and proper scope, but also because the party's base is government employees. Second, government employees have an increasingly adversarial relationship with the governed. Third, Obama's "move to the center" is fictitious.
Read it all.
CAIR ATTEMPTS to confront Congressman Allen West, fails miserably.
“TO MAKE SENSE of what's going on in Wisconsin, it helps to understand that the left in America lives in an ideological fantasy world.”
QUESTION: Do you think that private-school teachers are underpaid or that public-school teachers are overpaid? Answer: both.
GO FOR IT: Texas lawmaker's proposal would allow cops to drop off illegals at the doorsteps of members of Congress.
JONAH GOLDBERG: How best to end things.
WISCONSIN SENATE can and will pass other bills in Dems' absence. And they should.
UNION PROTESTORS shout down Fox News report on doctors handing out fake excuse notes to Wisconsin teachers. Of course they would; they’re desperate.
AIR FORCE'S aerial tanker competition spurs 'fiercest' lobbying. That's an understatement; you can't turn a radio in the D.C. metro area without hearing a lobby ad. If lies were flies, the air would be unbreathable.
LOSING THE BRAINS RACE: is spending more money on education while producing worse outcomes.

The only trend line with a pulse is the amount of spending.
THE FACE of the new Democratic Party.