Tuesday, August 19, 2014

ENJOY: You voted for big government.
WE'LL ALL STARVE TOGETHER: President Obama's zero-sum worldview.
OVERWORKED AMERICA: 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil. But only if you're a progressive committed to feeding on other people's money; otherwise it's a scathing indictment of Obamanomics.
CBS NEWS: Shocking number of Americans have no retirement savings. This is old non-news; it's been public knowledge for at least the last 40 years. The only reason it's 'shocking' now is that the progressive Left is finally realizing that they're running out of other people's money.
HOLDER TAKES ON FERGUSON, MISSOURI: Attorney General ‘flooding the zone’ with investigators.

There goes any hope of a peaceful resolution. If I were the police officer, I'd seriously consider a long vacation -- in, say, lower Timbuktu or any country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S. -- until 2017.
BUT IT'S THE WRONG QUESTION: Are Republicans smart enough to become the party of the millennials?

The right question is this: "Are millenials smart enough to become Republicans?" I'm not optimistic.