Thursday, March 21, 2013

GLOBAL WARMING must be good, because cold weather causes murder.
AMAZON CEO recovers Apollo engines from Atlantic. They may be from Apollo 11.
VOYAGER 1 has -- or hasn't quite -- left the solar system.
ANOTHER GUN MANUFACTURER considers leaving. With Colt's deep roots in Connecticut, I can sympathize with their desire to stay, but when you're no longer welcome, it's time to leave.
NY GOV. CUOMO learns an important lesson about gun control: think before you act.

More from a Cuomo supporter: "I think the governor and the Legislature got it right the first time. We don't want to have to tell the mother of a young man who’s just been shot and killed that he was killed with the ninth bullet." But it's okay to tell her he was killed by the sixth bullet.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: "The end of American exceptionalism will come not when we run out of gas, wheat or computers, but when we end the freedom of the individual, and, whether for evil or supposedly noble reasons, judge people not on their achievement but on their name, class, race, sex or religion -- in other words, when we become like most places the world over."

Read it all.
ELECTRONICS just makes Murphy's Law easier to implement: If At First You Don’t Succeed, Recall Your Product.
ON BALANCE, was the Iraq war worth it?

If America's governing class has learned that which those of us with even a modest amount of common sense know instinctively; that when you go to war, you go to win! -- to crush and dominate your opposition -- then yes, Iraq was worth it.

Unfortunately, I don't believe the governing class has yet to learn that lesson.
FAMILY’S HOME raided over facebook photo of child’s rifle.

Instapundit -- and it's more than tar & feathers this time.

From my email.
AND YOU THOUGHT texting while driving is a problem? I can easily see this being used to avoid having to turn off/down the radio.
VOICE OF EXPERIENCE: the ObamaCare IT nightmare.
OBAMACARE: three years and still pathetic.
PRESIDENTIAL LIMO breaks down in Israel. Best comment: "Maybe he forgot to bring his fuel taster."
OBVIOUSLY NOT. "Are you smarter than a 6th grader?"
"THE LESSON Americans should draw from Cyprus is simple: The more the government controls the economy, the less safe their property is from confiscation."
HEH. The 'creative class' is neither.