Monday, July 22, 2019

RANDOM THOUGHT: Our governing class, both Left and Right, are less and less American and more and more globalist.

Here's an example.
MORE APOLLO 11 MOONBATTERY FROM THE NATION. "Armstrong's 'giant leap for mankind' helped perpetuate inequality...."

This whole article is so incredibly stupid that it must have been written by some 20-something Gen Z 'journalist' who was taught that history started with his birth. Don't waste your time reading it.

N.B. I was right about the author, a JD/PhD candidate at Columbia Law School/Princeton University. The article is a flaming wreck at the corner of Reality and Intersectionality.
SOUTH BEND COPS WARN OF ‘MASS EXODUS’ as morale tanks over Buttigieg handling of shooting.

And this guy thinks he's qualified to be President of the United States?
OF TWEETS AND HYSTERICS: It's time for the GOPe(stablishment) dopes to quit clutching their pearls and start connecting with their voters.

Or in some soon-to-come election they will no longer be the establishment. We put you there; we can take you out - and the latter is becoming more and more tempting every day.
CURING RACISM: I hope he's right.
ISN'T THAT EXACTLY WHAT THE RIGHT HAS BEEN SAYING WOULD HAPPEN? Sanders says he’ll cut staffers’ hours to maintain $15-an-hour wage.
BUT OF COURSE: Least masculine society in human history decides masculinity is a growing threat.

It purports to be satire. I'm not so sure....
SHE'S SELF-DIAGNOSING HER OWN MENTAL STATE: Yale (?!) psychiatrist claims Trump's racism is a coping mechanism for his deteriorating mental state.
TRANS BACKLASH: Lesbian veteran asks Elizabeth Warren to 'stop with the pronoun silliness'.

But a panderer's gotta pander ... it's what they do.
ARMED AND DANGEROUS: Gramscian warfare.