Friday, May 04, 2012

LAWYERS, LAWYERS, EVERYWHERE, and not a bit of work gets done: Is asteroid mining legal?
UH, HUH: poverty is the great equalizer.
YES! Deport the GOP Establishment.
IF THE GM BAILOUT is such a success, why can’t it pay back its debt to taxpayers?
REMEMBER THOSE EVENT DATA RECORDERS the government is insisting being put in all new cars?
Dear Mr. Brown
Our latest records from your Event Data Recorder (EDR) indicate that in August, 2015, you drove 27.3 miles over your monthly average as indicated by the Government Mileage Index (GMI).
Your penalties are as follows:
$27.50 Mileage Overage Tax
$35.45 Highway Use Tax
$150.00 Carbon Footprint Assessment
$50.00 Data Processing Fee
Please remit the sum of $262.95 to the Internal Revenue Service no later than September 5th 2015. Please make your check or money order payable to the Department of the Treasury.
The future awaits.
ASTROBIRDS? Birds of a manufactured feather flock together.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH is only for when the Left speaks.
HOW MANY OCCUPIERS live on less than 66 cents a day? Can they even live on the average living wage in the Third World?
SOME NEW DESIGNS for commercial aircraft.
JULIA: “Don’t worry your pretty head about it, little lady, Barack will take care of you.”

THE RNC responds.
DAY BY DAY: I think we've hired everybody.
ELIZABETH WARREN, Native American. What annoys me about Elizabeth Warren -- and race-baiters generally -- is that she's perfectly happy to claim 'victim' status but wouldn't lower herself to go to, or live on, a 'Native American' reservation herself.
SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, unintended consequences, and 'green' econmics. Lessons unlearned.
FORWARD! to socialism. And don't ever look back....