Monday, July 16, 2018

HARVARD UNIVERSITY: We stand foursquare for intellectual excellence -- unless they're Asian.
OH, THE HORROR! Son of Scotswoman insults Queen of England.

Linked from Townhall.
BECAUSE ISRAEL: Why are Greens silent over this ongoing ecological war?
POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures has posted. My favorite?

Go see the rest - the Trump freakout is in full flower.

The hole the Democrats are digging for themselves should erupt any day now when it hits the magma at the Earth's core....
ACCOUNTABILITY ISN'T JUST FOR LITTLE GUYS: Politicians and bureaucrats should start paying a price for failure. Kicking them out of their sinecures isn't enough.
ASTROTURF, AS IT USED TO BE KNOWN: Mystery as IDENTICAL letters appear in 21 newspapers across 12 states slamming Trump’s Supreme Court pick – and they’re all signed by different people.
