Monday, July 25, 2016

HYPOCRISY ON DISPLAY: "The six union leaders who took the stage on Monday at the Democratic National Convention to condemn the richest one percent took home nearly $2.3 million in total compensation in 2015."
CLEARLY A PH.D. from this institution isn't worth the paper it's written on.
ARROGANCE AND CORRUPTION: The real story behind Deborah Wasserman Schultz’s resignation.
JEFF JACOBY: Failure of Turkey's coup was no victory for democracy.

I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that the United States of America should (1) declare war on the Islamic State in all its incarnations, and (2) quit supporting non-democratic governments.
AN EXCERPT from Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.
Contrary to what we learn from progressives in education and the media, the history of the Democratic Party well into the twentieth century is a virtually uninterrupted history of thievery, corruption and bigotry. American history is the story of Democratic malefactors and Republican heroes. Yes, it’s true.
But you'll never hear it from the Democrats or their media.
HILLARY'S NEW RUNNING MATE: the generic Democrat politician.
Maybe Kaine and Hillary bonded over how lucrative life in elected office can be. While he was governor, Kaine received $186,899 in gifts and travel – Redskins tickets, cases of wine, etcetra. He didn’t get in legal trouble the way Bob McDonnell did because he disclosed all of the gifts on the proper forms.
She should have selected Bob McDonnell as her running mate....
RANDOM THOUGHT: Is it the Democrat National Convention or a black minstrel show?

If Stephanie Rawlings-Blake losing the gavel to open the convention is any indication, it's going to be a three-ring clown circus.

The invocation: is it a prayer, or a campaign speech?

Update: "We have the most diverse party ever." Yes, I've seen a few token whites.

Update 2: They seem to be following Roberts Rules of (dis)Order pretty well....
HEH: DNC 2016.

Linked from here. Pass the popcorn; it's starting.
"THE DEALERS of Absolute Moral Authority play with a loaded deck."
OOPS: "Since U.S. violent crime has been cut in half since the 1990s while the number of guns in the hands of private citizens has doubled, claiming gun control would help anything is disingenuous at best, and an intentional lie at worst."
SCREAMING CAMPUS GARBAGE BABY ALERT: Crybullies at School of Mines say arena's 'Mine Shaft' nickname promotes rape.

Send them to the children's table and tell them to shut up.
TURNING SHIPPING CONTAINERS into a housing development. When I was in Iraq, we called these housing developments Camp Victory, Camp Liberty, etc.