Saturday, March 21, 2015

TAKE A TOUR OF SKID ROW where the Los Angeles police shot a homeless man. I’d recommend going armed. Or take the Google tour ... it’s safer.
STARBUCKS WORKING (NOT SO) DILIGENTLY to protect the planet from threat posed by whipped cream.

They’ve identified the problem and made it yours....
TOWNHALL: Black lives lies matter.
MARCO RUBIO responds to Obama on Israel:

About 15 minutes long.
NOW WE’RE BEGINNING TO GET SOMEWHERE: “Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is throwing down the gauntlet, warning the White House he’ll move to cut funding to the United Nations if the administration turns to the international body to lift sanctions on Iran as part of a nuclear deal.”

Forget Iran; just cut funding.
POWERLINE: Our Supreme Leader is a Supreme Fool. I’d phrase it somewhat differently: “Our Supreme Fool thinks he’s a leader.”
EVERY FRIDAY the Washington Times posts a quiz about the news of the week. How well did you follow the news last week?
NEIL CAVUTO: The White House is consistently inconsistent.

And wrong.
LOS ANGELES BANNED FAST FOOD; Angelinos gained weight.

And lost jobs....
MSNBC: [C]ontemporary liberalism in a nutshell -- dour and angry, yet arrogant and self-satisfied. Is it any wonder that their viewership is in free-fall?
POWERLINE’S Week in Pictures (BiBi gun edition) is up. My favorite:

The “Voting is Mandatory” cartoon is good as well, but the Democrats already have the dead vote locked up.
“IT” WORKS FOR ME: “Why we need transgender pronouns”.
A PEEK into the secret world of the liberal elite. It isn’t pretty.
TRUESBURY: Get yer race conversation right here.

PowerLine describes the desired ‘conversation’.
BUT GORACLE, you are our only hope.
If Gore had a conscience and is honest about his convictions, as Klein suggests, he would recognize his responsibility to posterity and to the nation’s most fringe progressives to mount a primary challenge to Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately for Klein, Gore’s allies indicated today that he lacks an appreciation for his place in history, although he maintains an abiding respect for his speaking fees.