Saturday, February 01, 2014

POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES: Superbowl Edition. My favorite:

MASSACHUSETTS, ObamaCare’s ‘model for the nation’, has longest doctor wait times in America. By a factor of 2-1/2.
HUH? "Snow didn’t paralyze Atlanta. Racism did.”
WHITE HOUSE: Keystone report not final step. As I predicted, the decision-delaying has begun in earnest and my guess is that DOE Secretary Ernest Moniz and EPA Director Gina McCarthy are the 'chosen ones' for incorporation into the pavement under the Obama bus.
PAUL GREENBERG on the State of the Union: All drift, no real direction.

Even the 'big shtick' has been deflated.
BIG SURPRISE: White House doesn’t want its own ‘equal pay’ yardstick used to measure equality of White House pay.
BUT OTHER THAN THAT, IT'S WORKING PERFECTLY: Obamacare Denies Sick Kids the Medical Care They Need.
EVEN THE UNINSURED don't like ObamaCare.
FEMINISM’S TOXIC TWITTER WARS: “Sisterhood is powerful. It kills. Mostly sisters.”

To sort of paraphrase Gloria Steinham, the bicycle pedaled off leaving the pirahanas to feed off themselves.