Tuesday, September 04, 2012

OBAMA AND DOCTRINAIRE LIBERALISM: Often wrong, but never in doubt.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Terrifying New Normal. Terrifying, indeed.
OBAMA: I give myself an "incomplete" on the economy. We voters will change that to an 'F' in November.
IS A SCIENCE PH.D. a waste of time? Let's put it this way: if your goal in life is to make money, it's a good way to not achieve your goal.
SORRY, but no college credit for being an Obama volunteer. If you want, consider it an unpaid -- and unrewarded -- internship.
SIXTEEN TRILLION IN DEBT: Let the DNC party begin....
TONIGHT WE SHALL go forward back across the bridge to the 21st century.
NEWEST OBAMA ATTACK DOG POODLE: former Governor and Democrat presidential candidate Michael Dukakis.
HEH: California Democrat Party Chairman Flees DNC for ‘Root Canal’. It's less painful.
EASTWOOD TO DEMOCRATS: "Do you feel lucky?"
YEAH, RIGHT: Real men hire 'girls' to fold their laundry.
WELL, it is a tiny little convention for a tiny little man.
PRE-CONVENTION: Welcome to Obama World.
LIVING WITH DEMOCRATS: The Crack Hotels of the DNC.

UPDATE: Bedbugs an increasing concern at DNC hotels.
ONLY $700 BILLION to go. The US Debt Clock will hit $16 trillion during the Democrat National Convention.
WHO ARE the 'angry old white men'?
THE PERFECT SONG to open the Democrat National Convention:

CALIFORNIA HIGHER EDUCATION'S hollow core. California colleges and universities were so bad in 1999 that I allowed my daughter to go out of state to the University of Nebraska. I can't imagine that California schools could have gotten worse since then, but they have.
OOPS! Study Finds Little Evidence Eating Organic is Healthier.