Wednesday, October 12, 2022

UKRAINE AND RUSSIA: the vote for independence.
WHEN PROJECTION HURTS: Racist doesn't like being called a racist.
AS A MATTER OF FACT, YES. He's on something.
THANKS TO KEYLESS ENTRY: Only the government should be able to steal your car.
AMMO GRRRLL posits the DNC's official motto.

Read the comments!
YOU WON'T BELIEVE who outed John Fetterman as a lazy bum.

SPOILER: mainstream media.
YES, REAL MEN do wear white boots.
LAUREN SIMONETTI -- people are leaving Democrat states to be left alone.

Heard on on the Fox Business Channel this morning.
KURT SCHLICHTER: Me, a hypocrite?
[If] you are present in the social media world as anything but a scum-sucking communist cheese-weasel wokeoid, then you are already pretty much the antichrist. You get called racist, imperialist, Islamophobic, transphobic, sexist, ableist, fatist, a cultural appropriator, a Jesus gun nut, a semi-fascist, a full fascist, worse than fascist, a fascist fatist, and every other conceivable combination of meaningless noises. So, adding “unprincipled hypocrite of hypocrisy” is simply making the rubble bounce. I’m not sweating a couple more spittle-sprayed slurs issued from the mouths of morons.
Yes, I suppose he is. So am I....
BLACK LIVES MATTER shouldn't have skipped those math classes.
The Venn diagram clearly shows that 13% of the U.S. population (i.e., blacks) commit 52% of all crimes.

By the way, the demographics are correct: between 13.6 and 14.9 percent of the U.S. population is black or majority black.
'THERE'S NO THERE THERE': Fetterman's problems go beyond his health.

On the bright side, since he rarely reports to work, it isn't likely he can do any serious damage.
WHEN THE DETAILS SURFACE, gun control suffers.