Tuesday, June 10, 2014

GOVERNMENT REGULATION: providing more opportunity for graft and corruption. It's not just for politicians any more....
IF GRAFFITI IS NOW 'STREET ART', what is 'street sculpture'?
THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING! The climate is changing ... oh, never mind. Just some more Emily Litella moments for the environmental movement.
HILLARY: It's really hard to live on an $8M income.
CARRYING OBAMA'S WATER: "The New York Times has been working overtime to discredit members of Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon who, with seeming unanimity, believe he deserted."

And they're failing.
FROM THE ANNALS OF THE 0.1%: About that 'hate crime' I committed.

If you attempt to read the linked post, you'll begin to understand why the 'liberal arts' academia has become a laughingstock. And you'll need this dictionary to guide you through the bull hockey.
WHEN I first saw this, my immediate reaction was the Onion. But no, they're serious. [And I just saw my first blog ad for this 'program' today.]

Be sure to read the comments.
WHAT THE ‘pre-recession peak’ job numbers really mean. Here's the chart, with Obama's tenure in office shown at the top.

It looks pretty good until you realize that after nearly six years the economy has almost improved to the point where it was when I lost my job....
IT'S TIME to punch back against the Left's plan for how we should live.
WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE between a politician and a rat?
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON explains the Obama administration: Truth is what we say it is.
RANDOM THOUGHTS on the inane public "service" ads we're increasingly subjected to on the radio and television: the health and safety nannies who author these ads don't give a tinker's damn about our health and safety; all they're interested in is creating a group of dependent victims to assure themselves an increasing income stream
NEW YORK TIMES: Let’s Give Guns to Violent Felons! This story doesn't merit a 'punch back twice as hard' response; it's more of a 'look at the fools and laugh at them' kind of story.
MORE EVIDENCE of cultural infantilization.
OBAMA'S POST-PRESIDENCY has already begun. Instapundit comments: "It’s sad that we haven’t lived up to his rosy expectations of 2008."

The only reason he hasn't already stepped down is those free golf outings and vacations.
THANK YOU, but I think not.
PAUL GREENBERG: Another Time, Another Scandal. No baloney.
KOCH BROTHERS support United Negro College Fund. Harry Reid has nothing to say.

The position of Senate Majority Leader is such a terrible thing to waste. Replace him.