Sunday, September 05, 2010

SENIOR EXECUTIVES, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008.

That must be why they’re mad that Fox News got a front row seat in the White House press briefing room - they thought they had paid for it.
NOW THAT THE IRAQ WAR IS OVER, deficits will go down.

Oh, really?
LESSONS from the Lightworker:

Our formerly august mainstream media is replete with socialists.

Liberals love the poor with other people’s money.

Liberals only economic policy is tax and spend, spend, spend, then tax some more.

Appeasement still does not work.

Liberals never ask “Is it constitutional?” or “Will it work?”
Read it all.
WITH A WHIMPER OR A BANG — OR NOT AT ALL? I think we’ll know in November.
HEH: Look who’s nativist now.
PRESIDENT OBAMA VOWS to fight Republican “newfangled schemes” to privatize Social Security.

“I want to encourage people to save more on their own,” Obama said in Ohio. “But I don’t want them taking money out of Social Security so that people are putting that into the stock market.”
Translation: save your own money; Social Security is mine!
LET’S INVESTIGATE THE 9/11 FAMILIES. Why Nancy Pelosi needs to go ....