Friday, February 11, 2022

ONLY AFTER NANCY PELOSI OPENS UP HER MANSION: Should Bay Area residents house the homeless (in their homes)?
IT'S OVER: Polling gets Democrats to finally begin their COVID retreat.
AMMO GRRRLL HAS THOUGHTS about America then and now. Her thoughts are mostly about her father and the military, but this comment stood out, especially today:
“Consistency has never been a mark of stupidity. If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.”
That said, read it all.
Linked from here.
I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN: Idiots come in all colors.
FIRST IT WAS SEN. KENNEDY [R-LA] insulting garden pests, now Sarah Hoyt is insulting walnuts.
WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN RID OF MENTAL HOSPITALS: Ice fishing could lead to prostitution.
AMERICA'S NEWS OF RECORD: Jen Psaki says everyone will have to show proof of vaccination before receiving free crack pipe.

Related: I haven't received my free (but unreliable Chinese-manufactured) coronavirus test kit either....
WHITE HOUSE issues warning (get out now; we won't protect you) to Americans in Ukraine and sounds new alarm on possible Russian invasion (soon).

'All hat, no cattle' as we used to say when I lived in Texas. All the Biden administration can do is talk, bully, blame, and whine; it's completely incapable of actually doing anything.

Reminder: Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Our next President should must abolish every department in the government that has any of the words 'diversity, equity, inclusion' in its name.
HOW MUCH LONGER will the Democrats with bylines (i.e., mainstream media)continue to support Joe Biden?
NEWSMAX: The White House is dispatching Vice President Kamala Harris to Europe to lead the response to the Ukraine crisis.

To pick up Hunter's final paycheck? Or because she hasn't gotten her cut yet?

Added. A quote just heard on the news: "She couldn't empty water from a boot if instructions were written on the heel."

And another thought. Now we know why our military has deployed to Ukraine -- to bring her out when the shooting starts....
EVEN IF HE WINS, it won't make a significant difference.
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Handbook for carrying a firearm in your vehicle.

In my neck of the woods it should be for NOT carrying a firearm in your vehicle.
THESE PEOPLE ARE BATSHIT CRAZY: Wisconsin Democrat says parents who want 'a say' in children's education should homeschool or pay for private.
WASHINGTON STATE REPRESENTATIVE exempts Native Americans from life jacket bill because they're 'very used to our cold waters'.

I identify as Native American....
EASTBOUND: U.S. truck convoy being planned could be headed for Washington DC.

I hope it will be long enough to shut down the I-495 beltway around Washington.