Thursday, March 18, 2021

MALLARD FILLMORE: Humor is not permitted in our Utopia.
THE DIPLOMAD: The farce continues.
I THINK CHRIS MUIR IS RIGHT: Nancy Pelosi wants the National Guard to become her progressive Praetorian Guard.

[See Wikipedia.]
TOUGH SHOES TO FILL: Dan Bongino will take over the Rush Limbaugh time slot on talk radio.

I wish him well.
VERY LONG BUT VERY WORTHY: Why establishment conservatives still miss the point of Trump.

The gist is that, unlike the GOPe [establishment], Trump fought back. On the Democrats' turf. Not hard enough, in my view, but he fought.

The Right needs to adopt the progressive Left's take-no-prisioners attitude.
NEW PROOF THAT THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC IS OVER: The murder hornets have returned.