Thursday, April 21, 2022

OH, THIS SHOULD BE GOOD. Florida Gov. DeSantis contemplates suing the Twitter Board of Directors for breaching its fiduciary duty to do what’s best for shareholders (i.e., Florida's state pension plan).
DEFENDING AMERICAN DEMOCRACY requires we start by crushing the public school weirdos.

It's Kurt Schlichter, naturally, and to my delight has already started in Virginia. And Florida. Thank you both, Governors Youngkin and DeSantis for following through.
RANDOM THOUGHT: The Overton Window has moved so far Left that common sense is now the sole property of the Right.
THE MINNEAPOLIS STAR TRIBUNE opines on the demise of the air travel mask mandate.

I particularly liked this comment
Why don't we mandate passengers bring garlic, to ward off vampires?
Makes as much sense.
because keeping progressives off airplanes would do much to make air travel more palatable.
BABYLON BEE CEO Seth Dillon levels Washington Post columnist Taylor Lorenz with latest response.

And if you want a good laugh, click on this link and scroll down. Here's an example:
And as you scroll down note the names associated with the comments.