Tuesday, February 12, 2013

THE 2013 STATE OF THE UNION: live blogging notes.
men & women coming home -- but we didn't end war

less oil -- because we can't afford the gas

Can I buy some more zeros?

SOTU: The Audacity of Bullshit

Nothing we do will increase the deficit ... but will it decrease the deficit?

Make more investments -- spend more tax money.

Keystone? Fracking? Nope ... lets combat climate change by -- you guessed it -- wind and solar

Use gas taxes to pay for ... what? something

Fix it first -- with our tax money, of course. And let's direct corporations to spend their money as well.

Spending is Saving ... Stephen Green

Get rid of for-profit colleges

Obama promised me a job (everyone who wants a job....0ops he meant illegals)

Raise the minimum wage; take another fung from the bottom of the latter. Jump higher, you poor bastards.

We're going to fill up the middle class by reducing the number of people in the upper class.

We're going to defeat al Quada Islamic terrorism by leaving the Mideast.

Even more thansparent .... ha!

Even when he says something I like, I still don't believe him.

We will use the military to continue social experimentation.
I'll clean it up into 'real' thoughts tomorrow.
ROGER L. SIMON: "[O]thers of us think it is the Democratic Party that is the party of racism, dependent as it is on the need for America to be perceived as a racist society in order for it to succeed."

He's right.
SEATING PLAN for the State of the Union.
PEGGY NOONAN: So God Made a Fawner (of the entire mainstream media).
ONLY IF THEY BELIEVE THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT: Would the Obama administration really reject the Keystone XL pipeline?
Dr. Marcy Zwelling on Huckabee: With Obamacare, you're not buying healthcare, you're buying a 'benefit package'. The video is here.
A BUNCH OF BOOBS: Dana Perino wonders about no cleavage dress code for State of the Union. Best comment: "There may not be much cleavage at the STU, but I'm sure there will be a lot of asses making an appearance."
AMERICANS KEEP VOTING against blue state policies with their feet. The downside for Red states is that "Blue staters escape the collapsing economies their own votes have helped create ... but keep voting for those same destructive Democratic policies."
OH, IT'S NOT ABOUT GUN CONTROL; it's about gun safety.

Instapundit comments.
SOME QUESTIONS for the global warmists. My favorites are #4 and #10.
AMERICANS are losing trust in government.
[A] government that does a lot of things badly is more appealing to the political class: more opportunity for graft, and for exercising the inflated self-importance that probably drives politicians even more than graft. The question is whether the government exists for the country's benefit, or for the benefit of the political class. At present, the answer to that question is depressingly clear.
Depressingly clear is right.
STEPHEN GREEN: another self-defense story. It only took the police 20 minutes to respond to the 911 call.
ONLY TWICE? That's gun control.
TEXAS TRUMPS GOVERNOR MOONBEAM: Governor Perry goes on a recruiting tour in California.

THE WHEELS are coming off the ObamaCare bus. And 40 million Americans are trapped underneath it.

ObamaCare was never about providing coverage. It was about assuming control.
SCOTT OTT: Piers Morgan Tweet Sparks Papal Confession.

Mock them.