Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"I WISH IT WERE A CONSPIRACY. The truth is that we really are that dumb.”
NO, a major concession to reality.
VOTING FRAUD UPDATE: [The] "claim that there is almost no [voter] fraud is as absurd as claiming that no speeding happens on I-40 unless the Highway Patrol writes tickets.”
THE NEW CONSERVATISM: "It’s time to put aside a few policy disagreements to build a new alliance of citizens who believe that government has gotten too big for its britches and needs to be reined in. We may not agree on all the specifics, but we can build a majority of Americans who can stand together for liberty and, as one, offer the proper response to these tin pot dictators of liberalism: 'Bite me'.”

Read it all.
BAD WORLD. BAD, BAD WORLD: New Climate Data Graph ‘Shows a World Stubbornly Refusing to Warm’.
WHERE ARE THE INTERGALACTIC ENVIRONMENTALISTS? NASA moon craft spots Ebb and Flow crash sites.
COMING: Confiscate my AR-15s all you want; I'll just print more.
HEADLINE OF THE DAY: "MALE drones needed now to fly solo in hot spots".
"THE 'AFFORDABLE' CARE ACT will impose $1 trillion in new taxes on the American people. That isn’t anyone’s opinion — it’s the official conclusion of the Congressional Budget Office."

Get out your wallets....
QUESTION OF THE DAY: If $9 trillion in debt is irresponsible and unpatriotic, why is $16 trillion in debt 'sustainable'?

Can you hear the crickets chirping in response?
MEET THE NRA'S new spokesman.
ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN is dead, dead, dead. Time to get my order in the queue.
I THINK you could just shorten it to "Bloomberg 'makes liberals look bad'."
PEOPLE DEMOCRATS ARE ALWAYS SAYING we need to have a national conversation on race, until someone says something they don’t like.
IF I HAD A SMART PHONE, I'd know where not to go.
IT WOULD BE FUN to see what would happen if the White House were to cancel the annual Easter Egg Roll. Can they get hard-boiled egg on their faces?
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Five Days of Hope and Despair.