Saturday, May 03, 2014

CALIFORNIA CONGRESSWOMAN wants a $26 minimum wage in her state. I'm all for it; it would bankrupt the state in less than a year.
[VIDEO] ON MSNBC, “Animal Farm” is a parable about … income inequality.

Well, OK I suppose. But communism actually does promote income equality -- for the proletariat. Abject poverty is about as 'equal' as you can get.
“LOOK, I LOVE CHILDREN. I just don’t think they should be in charge of foreign policy.”
CALIFORNIA: Give us your poor, your huddled masses yearning to pay the nation’s highest personal income tax, highest sales tax, second-highest gasoline tax ....

POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES: 'Dudism' edition. Here's my favorite:

Note the newspaper masthead: "The Oregonian".
TRAIN DERAILMENT highlights oil-transportation issues.

Hmm. Now what might solve that problem? ... That's right: ban trains.
MAYBE WE SHOULD MAKE owning and operating a business a qualification for being elected to Congress in the first place.

Remember, I said it first.
LOOK AT ME! ADMIRE ME! I'm politically correct.
Progressive Taxation.

Regulating CO2.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
WRONG WAR, WRONG CENTURY: Iraq Is “perhaps the most catastrophic war of the 20th century by the United States of America.”

Thank Heaven she's a non-voting member of Congress.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane about capitalism: where else can you get 24/7/365 access to damn near any good or service you need?

This after having to take Shadow to the vet several times over the past week (he's better, finally).
WHO PUSHED THE VIDEO TO EXCUSE BENGHAZI? These two people are the likeliest suspects.

My bet is the decision was by Hillary Clinton, and it was authorized by Barack Obama.
GOVERNMENT BY FIAT: Virginia Gov. McAuliffe mulls bypassing the legislature on Medicaid expansion. He has to; he hasn't a prayer of getting anything through Virginia's legislature

Virginia wasn't smart enough to elect Ken Cuccinelli, but at least Virginia is smart enough to limit the SOBs to a single term.
A LESSON on losing your tax base:
“As a tea party activist, I am accustomed to the fact that our citizen-based groups are targeted. However, given how much time federal employees spend watching adult films during work hours, I would think that protecting the porn business would be a priority.”
I wonder if the Feds realize that they stand to lose tax revenue by forcing businesses (and people) into the underground economy.
CARBON DIOXIDE LEVELS in atmosphere reach 'terrifying' new milestone.
It’s official: Earth’s atmosphere is now in uncharted territory, at least since human beings evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago.
So excess carbon dioxide killed off the dinosaurs?
IS THAT A QUESTION? Bill O'Reilly wonders if rest of White House press corps "is stupid."

It shouldn't be.
VIDEO: dogs and cats together.