Friday, January 31, 2025

WE CAN'T JUST LET THE PEASANTS JUST REBUILD WHAT THEY LOST: Goodbye Pacific Palisades, hello full communism.
THIS IS NEWS? Tim Walz is insane.

That can be said of the entire Democrat party....
KASH PATEL TO SEN. DICK DURBIN [D-IL]: Oh, you want to play the pardon game?
GOOD FOR HIM: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu orders buses bearing (to be) exchanged terrorists back to prison after sick Hamas display.

It's time to resume the war and eradicate Hamas from the face of the earth.
SO WHAT IS YOUR JOB? According to Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson it's not his job to protect Chicagoans from criminals.
ADDERALL SHORTAGE sparks scramble for ADHD medication alternatives.

Now that Biden's left office, the shortage should disappear....
MOSTLY BECAUSE THEY MAKE THEM UP: The Left never runs out of reasons to complain.
UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW PROFESSOR: Trump ‘serves wealthy white American men’.

I'm getting rather tired of the progressive/democrat cant that everything is racist.
THE ONLY WAY THEY'LL EVER LEARN: Prosecute the architects of Trump Lawfare for election interference. I wouldn't mind seeing those mayors and governors refusing to cooperate with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) put in handcuffs and dragged off to jail as well.
SOME THOUGHTS on birthright citizenship.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Anything you see, read, or hear that contains the words 'experts say' is almost certainly wrong.
THE ONE THING TRUMP CAN'T DO: guarantee you a more successful life.

Democrats have tried that already; they failed.

This time it's up to you.
NEVER FORGET WHO DEMOCRATS ARE and hold them to their own standards.

Make lawfare great again....
THE MOST DISCRIMINATED ETHNIC GROUP in America is ... Asian women?