Friday, December 19, 2014

THIS WOULD BE 'HEH' WORTHY IF IT WASN'T TRUE: "Eric Holder called us a nation of cowards, but Barack Obama made us one."
U.S. PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE: No, you can't have 'comfyballs'.

Oh, poo.
JACK DUNPHY: Eric Garner sealed his own fate.
PRIVATE SPACE HABITAT to blow up on ISS next year. But it's not a BOOM!-type blowup....
STUDYING ABROAD in Cuba is about to get easier.

Two thoughts, both good: (1) the U.S. will get rid of some wannabe communists; and (2) the smarter ones may come back sadder but wiser.
DO TELL: Some economists see a link between the scarcity of start-ups and the rise in influence-peddling.
LAUGH AT A LIBERAL. "But don’t touch. The brain-eating alien worm larvae might be transmitted through skin contact."

Sound advice.
NASA LAUNCHES STUDY for Skunk Works SR-72 concept. It's an extension of an earlier unmanned concept.
GOOD QUESTION: "[H]ow can one support an environment that enacts idiot laws that should be enforced with 'whatever force is necessary' yet believe there is a problem with the way police interact with citizens?"
FEDERAL DISASTER SPENDING SPIRALS, and FEMA has no plan to control it. Why should it, when its sole purpose is spending our money to foster more Government dependency?
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. Someday I'd like to keep track of how many times I open/close doors for the cats, but I don't think there are that many numbers.
YES, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus.
NASA STUDY proposes airships amd cloud cities for Venus exploration. They're a day late and a dollar short; it was a story in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact at least 10 years ago.
VERMONT IS GIVING UP on single-payer health care. The reason? Ballooning costs.

If you like tax increases, you can keep your single-payer health care.
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PROFESSOR: "It's okay to hate Republicans." And Fox News is to blame.

I can almost agree with her on the Fox News part, since it was established, at least in part, in reaction to the mainstream media's pervasive liberal bias.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Epitaph for Hope and Change.
In the end, the epitaph of the Obama administration will be written that it really did “fundamentally transform America” — though in ways that Barack Obama would have hardly wished.
Sad, but true.
LOS ANGELES’ HIGHER MINIMUM WAGE for hotel workers is really a tax on non-union labor.

And a gold mine for union dues....
IT'S NOT OUR CARS: Squirrels, beavers, and other rodents are causing global warming/climate change/climate disruption.
RAAAACISM! Barack and Michelle tell their stories of oppression.

Linked from Instapundit.
IS OBAMA destroying the Russian economy?

Well, he's sure as hell destroying our economy. Might as well let him spread the 'wealth' around....
PROJECT SILENT NEMO: It's a shark! It's a tuna!. No, it's a spyfish.

The Ghost Swimmer unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) undergoes testing during an event at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story, Virginia.
DUNEBOGGLE IS A BOONDOGGLE: Creating malarial swamps in New Jersey.

But, but ... the 'duneboggle' was planned and created by government experts.
SNOWMAGEDDON: Five years ago today. We're much better prepared today than we were then, but still I rather the next one wait until we've left for sunnier southern climes....